Deploy auction contracts

First, click on 'Create Auction' (button framed in red in the image below) in the dashboard.

Select and enter the required details framed in red in the image below to authorise the use of the token.

Only Template V1 is currently available for selection and more templates will be added in the future.

If you do not have a token, please use any token generators to create an ERC20 token.

Please select the start date - end date from the calendar that appears when you click on the input field.

For the allocation to the auction, please specify the quantity of tokens to be auctioned.

Please note that auctions that do not reach the minimum amount raised will be void.

Enter the amount of tokens you wish to authorise and press the blue button 'Next'.

Press 'Max' to enter only the amount of tokens used in this auction.

Please check the amount of tokens and gas cost you wish to approve and press the blue button 'Approve'.

Click on 'Deploy auction contract' (button framed in red in the image below).

Check the various settings again on the final confirmation screen and if there are no problems, click 'Deploy auction contract' (button framed in red in the image below).

Once the transaction has gone through and the auction screen is displayed then the auction contract has been deployed successfully! 🎉 🎉

The auction will automatically start and end at the date and time you specify.

Last updated