
After connecting to the wallet, click on 'View all auctions' (button framed in red in the image below) in the top right-hand corner of the home page.

Select the current auction from the 'Live & Upcoming Auctions' section on the page.

Auctions in progress are marked 🟢 and the time remaining until the end of the auction is displayed.

For auctions that are not yet live, the symbol 🔵 and the time remaining until the auction starts is displayed.

Please select live auctions to bid.

Selecting an live auction from the will take you to the auction details page, as shown in the image below. Enter any bid amount at the bottom of the page and click the Bid button.

When the transaction is approved, 'Your contributed amount' and 'Estimated amount you will receive' are updated.

If updated, your bid is complete! 🎉

The 'Estimated amount you will receive' is reduced by the bids of other participants.

Additional bids can be placed until the end date and time of the auction.

Bidding more gives you the following advantages

  • Increased probability of a successful auction  (The auction will fail if the total bids do not exceed the lower limit set by the organisers, and the ETH will be refunded to the bidders).

  • The amount of tokens allocated will increase (depending on the bids of other participants; The larger your percentage of the total bid amount, the more tokens you will be allocated. On the other hand, if other bidders place more bids, your allocated tokens will be reduced.)

  • The initial Yamawake reward for bidders (Yamawake allocates 50 million YMWK tokens as initial user rewards. Bidders will receive bid amount * 100 YMWK tokens (100 YMWK token allocated if they bid 1 ETH)) .

Once you have finished bidding, please wait until the auction ends.

Last updated