
tldr; All use is at the own risk. No one can compensate the losses.

  1. Yamawake (hereinafter referred to as the Dapp) was built by a collection of volunteers, mainly an anonymous development team. There is no control responsibility or guarantee on the part of any specific person, organisation or any other entity by any definition.

  2. All consequences of the use of the Dapp and related protocols etc. are the sole responsibility of the user.

  3. The Dapp functions like a natural product without any special right or authority for its operation on the part of the developer, user, stakeholder or any other party.

  4. Any glitches, bugs, cracks, exploits, etc related to the Dapp may result in the loss of 100% of the funds. Do not use the Dapp with funds you cannot afford to lose.

  5. The Dapp is OSS (Open Source Software) under (licence).  

  6. The Dapp is not under the protection of any jurisdiction, state, etc.

  7. Any upgrade or modification of the Dapp is subject to token voting governance by the Yamawake DAO Token (YMWK). All ideas and code suggestions are always welcome as OSS. 8.

  8. Extended protocols interacting with the Dapp are outside the scope of the token voting governance in '7' and are free to be developed (e.g. Dapp extended by wrapping the contract).

Last updated